Macular Dark Adaptation
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DiagnosticGame app
Designed for 3 and 4 year old children, simple, simple, simple, as simple as possible.
DiagnosticGame app is a suite of 6 different vision test
4. Stereopsis
Apple app Detects Lazy-Eye in School Children:
Amblyopia usually affects only one eye and as a results the child favors the opposite eye, which causes loss of vision in the unused eye. With one normal eye the child "appears" to function normally, but reduced stereopsis translates into accident prone and poor performance in sports involving stereovision (volley ball,baseball, basketball, and soccer). Children with amblyopia tend to have lower self-percetion and self-esteem. Isn't it time to give every child the opporuntity to reach their full potential and to live their life with full vision without fearing the loss of their good eye. Early diagnosis is essential, treatment early is usually successful.
DiagnosticGame® App for Vision Screening (ONLY TEST to measure the afferent defect of Amblyopia plus reduced acuity)
$1.99 for a lot of 10 tests with 3 repeats for each test (less than 20 cents per test)
- Accessories required (YouTubeVideo)
- Amblyopia Testing (YouTubeVideo)
- Visual Acuity Testing (YouTubeVideo)
DiagnosticGAME Tutorials
E Visual Acuity
C Visual Acuity
Amblyopia Explores brightness neuro network, Hofeldt Bridge®
Equalizer (Making the Squares Equally Bright)
Parity Challenge
Potential Vision