Macular Dark Adaptation
Play on iPhone-iPad-MacBook
DiagnosticGame app: Equalizer
Instructions: Touching the DIMMER square brightens that image. Toggle up and down the brightness scale until the TOP and Bottom squares appear the same brightness, then touch EQUAL to make your selection, just that simple.
PURPOSE: Balances a relative afferent defect also known as RAD
Please Note:Requires Companion Polarizing Filters for iDevice Screen and Polarizing Glasses. The combination of polarizing filters attached to the screen and the polarizing glasses is mandatory to obtain correct results. Both polarizing filters are certified by AMA Optics to be correctly paired. Do Not use other polarizing filters
View Slideshow tutorial....touch any image

Quantifies Relative Brightness

No glasses. Determines if the subject understand brightness and game rules.

Bottom image is dimmer and subject touches to brighten.

Images are of equal brightness and the subject confirms by touching EQUAL.

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Starts the brightnesss comparison series.

Polarizing glasses must be worn to perform the test correctly.

Touching the DIMMER image brightens that image, touching the BRIGHTER image will dim that image. Can go back and forth.

The Top and Bottom images should appear same or as close as possible.

Should repeat until two results are the or within 0.3 log units.