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Macular Dark Adaptation
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Pinhole Lens Clip
Used during visual acuity testing to establish the retinal acuity acuity.
Useful in eyes with refractive errors or mild Cataract.
Simply attach Pinhole Lens Clip to the glasses while occluding the opposite eye.
Panoramic feature allows complete visualization of the screen for easy selectiion of enpoint, YES or NO keys.

Panoramic Pinhole w/o 2.5 D Lens
Pinholes surrounded by clear areas allows a wide field of view plus the acuity improvement of a small aperture. The 2.5 D Lens is rotated out of the line of sight.

The Panoramic Pinhole plus Near Lens
The near +2.50 diopter in roated down into the line of sight. The +2.5 Lens improves the pinhole effect at 16 inches, the recommended testing distance.

Traditional Pinhole Lens w/o Lens

Traditional Pinhole with 2.5D Lens
The tried and true pinholes with no surrounding clear zones causes tunnel vision and requires more head movement to see the YES/NO keys.

Shows +2.5 Lens rotation.
One lens is in the line of sight and the other lens is outside the line of sight.
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